Claude Levi-Strauss was a Belguim anthropologist born in 1908, His theory was about the Binary oppositions, for example:

This is definitely a factor in The Shining such as the past events with the previous Janitor and then the Present evens with Jack as the new one. There is good and evil aspects when the woman in the bath is a normal looking pretty woman and then she suddenly turns into a diseased wreck. Also the unknown at the end when Jack is seen on a photo which was taken from a ball at the hotel many years before, its one of those open things which leaves the audience questioning what it links too.

Tzvetan Todorov suggested that stories have a set path which are normally followed, for example the Classic Realist film has a narrative structure with an initial equilibrium, an disequilibrium and a series of events resolving this which finally leads onto a new equilibrium. In horror films the structure is very much the same because there is a path in which the villain is being defeated and then he/she comes back and gets resolved again. An example of Todorov's theory can be seen on the chart below.
This is unfinished (look at the last sentence). Also you have not discussed Bordell and Thompson.