Thursday 29 March 2012

In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The CCTV shots in my horror trailer are very conventional to horror because of the realism that is created. It also creates a sence that something could happen any time and this is what keeps the audience on edge the most. The blue filter over the top of the cctv shots we used were inspired from the film 'paranormal activity' because we thought that it created something quite different to the norm and gave a sense that something wasnt quite right.

Facemorphing is something we used as the main shock tactic in our trailer because throughout the trailer there isnt any special effects and this helped to create a stronger impact to the audience when watching. Special effects are quite common in horror films, especially the modern ones where scenes of fake blood and silicone wounds have worn themselfes out. Special effects are recently used to emphasise horror in a film and step up the horror film industry to a whole new fright level, this is also required due to the general gore tollerance of the public in presant times, for example, films such as Frankenstien (1931) would of scared the public senseless but then if you were to show this film to a modern day audience they wouldnt find it remotely as frightening. 

Swings create innocence at the start of our trailer which also connotes children which is the main basis on our film. Another reason why these shots can be so eery is due to the way they are shot, and how the camera is zoomed in on the chains which join onto the main frame, instead of focusing on the whole swing. This sends questions into the audiences head and makes them question who is actually on the swing, or if its something paranormal.

The shot of the main untagonist standing at the end of a corridoor is very alike to the twin shot from the film 'The Shining' which is a very famous horror shot. The way that the camera is positioned so you can only just make out the girls empty facial expression. The unknown the main thing which creates horror in this shot because there is next to no information being given to the audience and the questioning is left to those who are watching the scene.

Old newspapers and diarys are very steriotypical to be part of the narrative in horror films because they are a very easy way to explain the story and usually are linked to the return of the repressed, in which something from the past repeats itself. These textual items are usually found in the house somewhere (under floorboards, in the attic).

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